Ralfie and Jemima

Ralfie and Jemima

Thursday 17 November 2016

Blog Giveaway at Orangine's

Here it is, finally, the post about my giveaway! Orangine Peachblossom was so friendly to host it at her house. As you can imagine, Teresa Babblebrook and her have become good friends since the workshop on All Hallows' Eve, so she came along, too.
Back in October Orangine had made some colourful truffles. It was a "Halloween Special Limited Edition" and sold out as quickly as you can say "yum!". Luckily for us, so many Sylvanians asked her for more that she decided to make another batch  and promised to donate some for the giveaway!

Paul is a fan of his mom's chocolates, too... 

"Mother, mother! Please, can I have another packet too, PLEASE??" he said, jumping up and down in front of her. 

"Paul, you silly little cub! You haven't even eaten the packet I gave you on Halloween yet," Orangine answered and smiled.

As you can see, Paul's Halloween truffles were lovingly displayed in the living room cabinet, still waiting to be eaten.

While I'm at it, why don't I show you some more photos of the Peachblossoms' living room?

Here is Paul a few days before, relaxing on one of the settees. Behind him is the Peachblossoms' Christmas tree. They have gotten it early this year, but haven't decorated it yet.

And here is what the living room usually looks like, when Mother isn't wrapping up handmade chocolates. Little Ralfie Hazelnut came for a visit that day. Isn't it adorable that he's smaller than Aster, the Peachblossoms' cat? 

Finally, here  is Portia and Paul's crafting table next to the living room cabinet. Ever since the workshop, Orangine has been using it to display her apple potion, certificate, healing moss and magical broom proudly for everyone to see.

Now back to our giveaway. When Orangine had finished wrapping all the chocolates, she and Teresa cleared away the worktable and somebody knocked on the door. It was Teresa's younger sister Tanya Babblebrook! (I've never mentioned it, but Teresa has MANY brothers and sisters...)

Tanya has been working as a trainee at SCMCB (Santa Claus's Magical Christmas Bakery, duh!) in Finland for the past year and has now come back to Riverside to look for a job elsewhere. She brought along a small tree, three large sparkly snowflakes, a tray of fresh homemade cinnamon cookies and a Christmas cake made of chocolate and cream. 

Suddenly they heard loud chewing noises and something small and green scurried into the living room. Crunch, crunch, crunch, swallow.
"Oh, I almost forgot him!" giggled Tanya. "Santa asked me to take little Munchie with me. He hopes he will learn better manners and discipline wherever we are going next."

Munchie jumped on the table, smacked his lips and swallowed another piece of his cookie. 
"Want a bite?" he asked Tanya rather gloomily. "No, thank you," she said. This made him smile again, since he had only asked her, because Santa had told him to always be generous to others.

So, in case you haven't realised until now: Tanya in her red woollen dress with the dotted bow and all her Christmas goodies are actually part of the giveaway. :) Munchie, the gluttonous Christmas elf is coming along, too. Sorry, about that, but it's Santa's orders, I can't do anything about it!! :/

Here is a picture of the entire giveaway. You will get everything you see on this photo and the only thing you have to do is:

1. be a regular comment writer on my blog,
2. leave a comment telling me you would like to take part and
3. post this photo on your main blog page, linking to the giveaway. 

The winner will be drawn on December 15th. 

Tanya's beautiful dress was made by the talented Jill.

The Christmas biscuits, cake and Munchie the elf were made by me. 

The Halloween truffles with their golden packaging were also made by me and they have a special feature included, but unfortunately my camera did not cooperate, so I can't show it to you. The special feature is that the white chocolate is made from glow-in-the-dark fimo, so if you hold a torch to them for a moment and then turn off the lights, they will actually glow. :)




  1. Wow! Not only a lovely post but a giveaway too. And what a giveaway! I love it, Especially Munchie the elf!
    Please count me in. Your link will be on my blog.
    Thanks and a hug,

    1. Thank you so much, Drora!! ♥

      Munchie is hopping around the room because he is so happy about your comment. :))

  2. Lovely giveaway! Id love to enter. The elf and the christmas cookies look amazing, well done! I really like it how you made a little story before you showed the giveaway, it is a nice touch. I will post a link of your blog when I do my blogpost this weekend!

    1. I am glad you appreciate the story I have included, Emily! :)

      Little Munchie is very happy that you are the second person to like him and he is jumping up and down.

  3. Actually, I have decided to write a blogpost now rather than include the photo and link in my weekend blogpost.

  4. What a cute draw you have!! (**)
    LOVE Tanya (and her dress is just beautiful) - she would be perfect friend to my chocolate bunny.
    And Little Munchie... I think I would give him my Christmas box to live in, and he would get a nice job from me too, I would let him to taste first all the pastry I make, to see if they are any good :)
    Glowing chocolate..? How cool!
    So YES! I would LOVE to enter your lovely draw - hope you'll count me in.
    Put a link to my blog.
    Hugs, Irina

    1. Thank you for your comment, Irina. Munchie is REALLY excited now!! :D A job as a pastry taster would be like a dream come true! ;)

  5. This is great!! Visiting your blog is always a pleasure, but today I was thrilled when I read about your lovely giveaway.I love every single bit of it. I´d love to enter your draw too!
    I really liked the way you introduced all the items you included in your giveaway. Thank you very much for this kind gesture you have with all of us who enjoy your blog!

    1. Thank YOU. :)

      I told Munchie that your Sylvanians have an ice cream shop.... Now he is dreaming of "working" there....

    2. LOL!! Tell him that there is also a soft ice cream stall. Just waiting for the Polar Bears to start running their little business.
      My Sylvanians are going to be spoiled for ice cream choice!

  6. Lovely giveaway! I´d love to enter. The elf and the christmas cookies look amazing! It is also nice to hear that Tanya has been in Finland as trainee at SCMCB.I really liked it how you made a little story before you showed the giveaway, it is a nice touch. I will post a link of your blog this weekend!

    1. Thank you, Sirkka! Tanya was very happy as a trainee at SCMCB in Finland. She only left because her training ended and now she can't wait to find out where she and Munchie will be going next.

  7. Donnerwetter, was es nicht alles gibt... ein Praktikum in der SCMCB! Ich beneide Tanya wirklich um die Erfahrung - und ich bin sicher, dass sie dort jede Menge gelernt hat. Liebe Nina, das ist ein ganz tolles Giveaway mit wunderschönen Preisen (Munchie ist ja einfach klasse) und ich habe es auch schon auf meinem Blog verlinkt. Aber sei mir bitte nicht böse - ich möchte bitte nicht teilnehmen... ich käme mir nämlich echt ausverschämt vor, nachdem ich von Dir und Deinen kleinen Mitstreitern schon dermaßen wunderbar und großzügig beschenkt wurde. Und deshalb wünsche ich allen von ganzem Herzen viel Glück - wer immer gewinnt, wird sich über Deine schönen Sachen ein Loch in den Bauch freuen.

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Birgit,

      In die SCMCB kommt man nicht so einfach rein, da hat Tanya tatsächlich großen Ehrgeiz und Talent bewiesen (und dazu noch einen Batzen Glück gehabt)!

      Orangine, Teresa (und auch ich!) finden es ♥grundanständig♥ von Dir, daß Du den anderen auch eine Chance geben möchtest, einige Riversider bei sich aufzunehmen und verstehen Deine Entscheidung. Und daß Du trotzdem noch auf meinen Blog verlinkst.... da bin ich ehrlich gerührt und muss meinen Halskloß zähmen....

      Ganz liebe Grüße und ein wunderschönes Wochenende!

  8. Hey :), what a wonderful giveaway you're hosting! I would love to enter :). I'm posting about it right away.
    Viele Grüße und ein tolles Wochenende,

  9. Nina thank you very much for letting me know about your giveaway I would have been very disappointed if I missed it. Yes please count me in your prize is wonderful. I will be keeping my fingers crossed :-D I love the peachblossoms' living room.
    Hugs Maria

    1. Yay, Maria, you came! I'm so happy. :)

      The Peachblossoms are very pleased with their living room. I did not mention it in my post, but they only acquired the sofa corner and pillows recently and are really enjoying the comfort of it.

  10. Beautiful and sweet scenes.
    Please, count me in your beautiful giveaway; I put the link on my blog.

  11. This is a very generous giveaway, the items are gorgeous- please count me in. I agree that it's really nice how you have created a story to go with your giveaway. Tanya and Munchie would be very welcome here at Magic Mayhem- although I have a feeling that Munchie is a mischievous kind of elf and would get up to all kinds of things- mmm... P.s. I have the same cat- I also have a ginger one too

    1. Hello Sarah, I believe Tanya and Munchie would fit in well with your magical Sylvanians.

      I would like to see that ginger cat of yours...
