Ralfie and Jemima

Ralfie and Jemima

Thursday 24 November 2016

Caramel Cottage

Remember how Julie and Hester didn't want to do "too much" decorating in A Home for Fudge, just "a little" so that Fudge would feel more comfortable inside his new house? Weeeell...
Let's see how that turned out...


I guess they might have gone a teensy little bit overboard...

The autumn wreath on the left is the one Hester made during our crafting session. Giving Fudge the little red book about gnomes was Julie's idea, as well as the telephone you can see on the right and the bag of orange sweets. The grumpy looking plant on the table is a potted mandrake called Crabbie Carlie who was another donation of Hester's, as well as the red candle, vase, twigs and autumn leaves. The jack-o'-lantern cut-out on the window is a gift from the Peachblossoms. Finally, I made Fudge a special little welcome gift, too. I wove him a green and orange felt carpet, because I didn't want him to get cold paws when sitting in his armchair.

On the morning after Fudge's arrival he hadn't even seen his living room and kitchen yet, because he had been sooo tired that Julie and Hester had tucked him into bed immediately. So imagine his surprise when he got up in the morning, went downstairs and saw all this.

"Pickles! Oh Pickles!" he exclaimed. He couldn't say much at first, because he was so overwhelmed at the sight. Then he went towards Hester's wreath to look at the little hedgehog figurine. 

"Pickles, do you remember the story of "A Little Princess"?  Where Sara and Becky wake up one morning and their cold and empty attic room has been turned into a room of luxury? Doesn't this feel similar?" whispered Fudge as he caressed Pickles' ear.

"Look here, Pickles! There are even some Halloween candies stuck between these branches. And it's not even Halloween yet!!" 

Pickles' mouth started to water in anticipation.

"This is the second time since our arrival in Riverside, that I have to rub my eyes because I can't believe what I'm seeing..." Fudge managed to say before choking up. Pickles the dragon sniffled in agreement.

Oh dear... How were these two going react when they saw the kitchen with all the delicious foods?? 
As Hester imagined Fudge to be quite a gourmet, she had bought him imported asparagus and mushrooms at the market. Other Sylvanians had donated cocoa powder, canned peaches, chocolate bars, bread, cheese and flower, coffee, butter and condensated milk. Also, there was a large pumpkin standing on the stove and a freshly baked chocolate toffee cake...

To my relief the two did not break out in a concert of tears. Instead, Fudge did a little happy dance and Pickles jumped onto the cupboard next to the cake and let out a contented sigh. "We are going to have cake now," he thought.

"I think we should call our new home Caramel Cottage! Wouldn't you agree, Pickles? Because it's just as sweet and delightful as caramel!" Pickles nodded and pointed toward the cake. "We have some?" he whispered.

Then Fudge saw the pumpkin. "Looook! Our own pumpkin! We can make pumpkin soup from this! And pumpkin pie! And maybe even pumpkin toffee!" Now Pickles was done waiting. He picked up the knife and started to cut the cake. 
"Pickles!" Fudge exclaimed and the little dragon froze. " I just remembered, I don't know how to cook... Oh dear... no pumpkin toffee for us... Unless... We could ask Hester and Julie for some cooking instructions and some recipes!"

Then Fudge remembered something else. "Wasn't there something lying at the foot of the bed this morning? Let's check that out!" 
Pickles sighed. He knew then that the cake would have to wait. As well as his poor empty dragon tummy.

Back upstairs Pickles saw that Fudge was right. There really was something at the foot of the bed. And this something was wrapped in a red ribbon. "It's a present, Pickles! Another one!" 
Pickles' tail whipped to and fro in nervous anticipation. Maybe this something was filled with chocolate brownies or caramel truffles or Halloween cupcakes!

What do you think is inside the package?


  1. Ich musste mir echt jede Menge Augenschweiß aus dem Gesicht wischen... Das ist ja wirklich total rührend, wie die Riversider und ganz besonders Hester und Julie für Fudge sorgen. Kein Wunder, dass er da den Happy-Dance macht. Allerdings muss ich auch zugeben, dass ich mehr als erstaunt bin... was ist denn mit Fudge los, dass er eine Toffeetorte stehen lässt, um sich erst um ein Geschenk zu kümmern, das doch eigentlich bis zum Ableben der Torte gewartet hätte? Tjaaaa... vermutlich ist das der gute Einfluß von Riverside... kann ja nicht anders sein. Und nun bin ich gespannt, wie es weiter geht in Caramel Cottage (toller Name!)... was Fudge in dem Ü-Päckchen finden wird... und ob der arme Pickles die gähnende Leere in seinem Drachenbäuchlein doch noch irgendwie füllen kann! ;O)

    Liebe Grüße
    Flutterby und Birgit

    1. Hihi, die Kleinen sind halt immer wieder mal für eine Überraschung gut (und Pickles durfte bestimmt bald seine leckere Torte mampfen). :O)

  2. This is such a cute little story!I love the pictures and how you have decorated it. Fudge will have a very good time living there. I do hope he learns how to make pumpkin toffee as it sounds very yummy. Little pickles is just so adorable!

    1. Fudge dreams about making (and especially eating) pumpkin toffee all the time... :)

  3. That was a clever and interesting way of combining a story with showing Fudge's new and very lovely home. I hope the
    mysterious gift box holds some cooking books for Fudge. I sure don't like to think of both Fudge and cute little Pickles going hungry.
    Hugs, Drora

    1. Many thanks, Drora. Fudge is so proud of his beautiful new home and very thankful to his new friends! I am sure they will never let Pickles and Fudge suffer from an empty stomach.

  4. Hi Nina! I love how you decorated Fudge´s home.It feels really warm and cozy. I love the kitchen and all the cute food miniatures!Sylvanians have been very kind to Fudge donating so many goodies. I also like his comfy bed.I´m sure he´ll have very "sweet dreams" there. I hope there´s something sweet for him in that box.

    1. It really is very warm and cozy inside Caramel Cottage, Cutata! Come over and have some pumpkin toffee with me! Your friend, Fudge

  5. Wow Fudge and pickles are very lucky to have such wonderful friends. The kitchen and living room are gorgeous so welcoming and cozy. Another present how nice I am thinking that someone guessed and has left Fudge a nice cookery book :)
    Hugs Maria

    1. Thank you, Maria.
      Fudge and Pickles would like to host a thank-you-party in their new home, but I doubt all of the Riversiders would fit inside...!!

  6. Caramel cottage looks fantastic - Fudge has such a cozy home :). Haha, I would have gone for that cake immediately.

    Many greetings und Dir einen schönen Tag,

    1. Hallo Kyra, Fudge war so von all der gemütlichen Einrichtung und den Geschenken überwältigt, dass er doch glatt seinen leeren Magen vergessen hat!

  7. That was a clever and interesting way of combining a story with showing Fudge's new and cozy home. I love the combination of the colours in this home.

    I hope the mysterious gift box holds a cooking book for Fudge.


    1. Thank you, Sirkka.

      Fudge is very happy with his new home and all the autumn decorations. Soon I will help him to decorate for Christmas. :)
