Ralfie and Jemima

Ralfie and Jemima

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Red Rabbit House


I just came by a beautiful red house with a green roof and white window frames. I looked inside one of the upper storey windows and saw a pink rocking horse, just like Jemima's...

Let's peek inside the other bedroom... Ooh, everyone is still asleep. I guess we should come back again later...

Let's have another try... As you have probably guessed we are looking inside the Periwinkles' lovely new home!  

It looks like everyone's up now. Well, except for Molly and Pip. They like to relax on the bed cushions every morning after James and Julie have made their beds.

And yes, Pip and Molly are now living with the Periwinkles. :) Jemima wanted to keep them. Piggy was not able to come along. She was picked up by her former owners after they found out she was staying at Cat Shelter Deluxe

Let's go find the Periwinkles...

This cosy room is right next to the parents' bedroom. It's where Julie does her knitting and James reads books about botany.

The green armchair is another place the kittens like to cuddle up on and relax. :D

Let's go downstairs.

Now we've entered the living room. As you can see, there is a large fireplace, another green armchair and a sofa. Also, the Periwinkles have now got a telephone. James's plant is standing on the mantlepiece, smiling at us.  :)

I still haven't found any Sylvanians, though. There's a door to the right... Maybe someone is in there...

Ooh! For the first time since moving to Riverside the Periwinkles have installed a complete bathroom including a laaarge bathtub and their own toilet!! There is even a little sink in the back. Lovely. But still no Periwinkles. :(

I'll try one more room, the one one at the far end of the living room, and if no one is in there, I give up. Maybe they went out for a morning stroll.

Horaaaay!! :)) Here they are: Julie, James and Jemima (and Quackie). They are having breakfast in their big and colourful new kitchen! I could have guessed... Kitchens are certainly a favourite place inside a house, don't you think?

Happy Spring to all of you from the Periwinkles, and off you go, back to your own houses. ;) I for one will take a seat at the Periwinkles' kitchen table, since they just invited me to join them and try some of their fresh bread and marmalade. :D

The Periwinkles' new home is a dollhouse from Lundby.

The parents' beautiful bedding sets were made by a very talented SF collector called Kathy. You can check out her items here: www.kathyssewnlabel.etsy.com.  
She is also on ebay as katch4559 and on Facebook for custom made orders. Thank you very much, Kathy. :)



  1. The house looks lovely, i am sure that James, Julie, Jemima and quakie will enjoy living there

    1. Thank you, Emily! I can assure you that they are having a GREAT time. :))

  2. Your houses are so cute and pretty inside! How do you get them so neat?

    1. Hello Olivia, thank you! Yes, keeping the houses neat inside is really rather a hard task...

      Jemima loves to run around a lot inside their new home, so that doesn't help... But James and Julie Periwinkle are very tidy rabbits and like to keep everything organised. :)

      To be honest, it takes me a lot of time and patience to put everything in its "right" place (and to keep it there!). And often enough (especially when setting up scenes in the kitchen!) I accidentally knock things over with my hand. :)

    2. I hate it when your hand wobbles and nearly EVERYTHING in the Sylvanian house falls over! :-D

    3. I KNOW!! :D That can be so frustrating!

  3. Das ist ja wieder mal typisch... kaum hat man das Bett gemacht, schon lümmeln sich die Katzen darauf rum! *lach* Eine wunderschöne Immobilie haben die Periwinkles zu ihrem neuen Heim auserkoren... ein wunderschönes Haus und sehr gemütlich und geschmackvoll eingerichtet. Wir hoffen allerdings, dass wir noch ein bisschen mehr davon zu sehen bekommen... insbesondere Jeminas Reich haben wir ja bisher nur durch's Fenster gesehen (Muss da etwa vor dem Fotoshooting erst noch aufgeräumt werden??? *frechgrins*)

    Liebe Grüße
    Flutterby und Birgit (die Dir übrigens noch mal eine Mail schicken wird)

    1. Hallo Birgit,

      Es freut mich, dass Dir das neue Heim gefällt. :))

      Jemima wird ihr Zimmer demnächst herzeigen. Sie kann es schon kaum abwarten. :)

  4. Thank you so much for showing your Sylvanians in the Lundby dollhouse - I thought about getting one too. After I saw yours I'm sure that I have to get it! :D
    Liebe Grüße,

    1. Hello Kyra,

      You are very welcome!! :)

      I was unsure whether to get it at first, too, due to the mixed reviews I had read, and I did a lot of investigating on the internet beforehand.

      After purchasing it and putting it together (you need to assemble the house, but it's not hard and you need a screwdriver, too) I was really blown away by the beauty of it! :)

      It's great if you don't necessarily want to do any extra renovations, as it comes ready with coloured walls and flooring and all and it is MUCH more spacious than any of the SF houses.

  5. How sweet Sylvanians! love this post!

    1. Hello Magda, your miniature blog and felt art blog are great, too! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  6. It looks really cosy :)

  7. This Lundby mould is so gorgeous. And you have decorated the house in such a lovely way! I really like all the rooms, but especially the cosy room beside the parents' bedroom. Very sweet! And those bedsheets and wonderful, I like the pattern.

    1. Thank you, Aranera!

      The knitting and reading room is my favourite, too. :D
      I really wish I could hang out there myself. :)

  8. After reading your last post I was looking forward to this one. I couldn´t wait to see the new Perinwinkles´house. It was worth the wait!! It´s such a lovely house, so spacious and nicely decorated. You turned a house into a real home. I like every single room.The bedding sets are very beautiful. I love the last picture in the kitchen and the one where Pip and Molly are on the grren armchair, really cute!

    1. Thanks for your kind words, Cutata!! I am glad you thought it was worth the wait. :D

  9. How magical is this? Love it. A great find. x

  10. Very lovely house and cute family.
