Ralfie and Jemima

Ralfie and Jemima

Sunday, 8 October 2017

The Halloween Squad

It's finally October, or should I say "Halloween month", Hester Hogwart's favourite time of the year. Personally, I like it a lot too, since my favourite food is caramel and anything sweet, and I get a lot of caramel trick-or-treating and also "preparing" for the 31st. One has to make sure that one's stomach can take so many sweets in one night, am I right? So, each year, I make sure that my stomach is wide enough by practicing with my beloved Tofiffees!

Nina, my Mommy, decided to start and prepare for the 31st too, but strangely not by eating. Instead she went shopping this weekend (in the sweets section...). I was more than a little offended that she didn't take me along, but since it's nearing Christmas, and "Santa knows when you've been bad or good", I decided to better not throw a temper tantrum...

Nina also gathered together some other (non-edible) things this year, that she thought our trick-or-treaters might like. Although I haven't a clue why anyone would like something not edible on Halloween... These stickers might LOOK colourful and delicious, but don't bother licking them... They simply taste of glue... Just thought I'd warn you there... Not that I tried it myself or anything... *cough*.

Apart from breaking up her collection of non-tasty stickers she is also giving away her collection of cute sticky tapes and an entire bag full of colourful erasers (they don't taste good either...).

I definitely like the bags of smarties and snickers in this picture best. And then there are those pink bags which are wonderfully named "Joy-Mixx". What a smart person that must have been who named these bags. They contain sweet and sticky and delicous packets of MAOAM. Yummy...

This is what Nina is planning on doing with all the sweets and other items. She is going to fill little bags with them. These are three leftover bags from last year. I don't actually know WHY there were leftover bags of Halloween sweeties... (If Nina had shown them to me I would have taken care of them. *hmph*)

Those eyes do look a bit disturbing though... I wonder whether they were Hester's idea...

I couldn't let Nina do all that work on her own, especially on a weekend, so I called up my very best friends in Riverside and we decided to establish Riverside's very first Halloween Squad. What do we do? Well, we inspect Halloween sweeties making sure Nina uses only the best, we sort them, and then we help Nina eat them - *cough* I mean, of course, that we help Nina fill up the little bags with a mixture of sweets.

This is Pickles and me examining the quality of the chocolate covered toffees... (I reeeaaally hope Santa sees me being good!!)

Here are Jemima Periwinkle and Ralfie Hazelnut checking out a large mound of gummy sweets. (Wow, the way Jemima is inspecting that eye - that little rabbit really isn't afraid of anything, is she?! *gulp*)

Wendelbert is having a look at the smarties. He is simply ecstatic to be part of the squad.

Together with Hester Hogwart he has found out that the boxes aren't just for packaging - you can also play a game of dominoes with them!

Here, Pickles and the children decide to take a more direct approach and do some... aaah... "preventive unpacking"? *giggle*

Meanwhile, Hester and the magic pumpkin take a bath inside the beautiful and delicious Joy-Mixx!

"Maybe we should celebrate Halloween once a month..." ponders Hester and the pumpkin agrees.

After relaxing in a sea of MAOAM they climb the mound of erasers. Hester finds her personal favourite at once!

Ralfie and Jemima check out the box of tapes and animal markers. I like the ones with teddy bears on them... But oh! Ralfie has fallen into one of the tape rolls head first! Jemima sees him frantically wiggle his legs.

And here is little me again going through the stickers. In a perfect world these would smell and taste of cupcakes...

Mommy was able to fill up all forty bags with our help!

I even did some "filling up" of my own, if you know what I mean. *wink* The bag of Joy-Mixx actually got inspected several times by Hester and me... *whisper* But pleeeeaaaase don't tell Nina...

Here is what two of the bags look like up close. Not too bad, if you ask me. The sticker of the cat in evening dress kills it.

Another weekend of Halloween preparations has come to an end. 

Halloween - such a wonderful celebration of witches and spells and pumpkins and monsters and ghosts and moonlit nights and most importantly SWEETS! Oh no, actually, I have to correct myself: 

Most importantly a celebration of FRIENDS like these!! 



  1. What a lovely post! Those sweet treats are delicious! I got my grandparents to ship some over from Germany for my birthday a few months ago. I love the photo of the dominos smarties, I didn't know they had them like that now, when I last remember seeing smarties they still had the different ocupations at the back, but this is really fun and creative too! I can see that you and your village is fully prepared for Halloween now!

    1. Thank you, Emily! Yes, we are pretty much prepared now. The Periwinkles and other families have bought and/or made mini sweets for the children of Riverside. Only Hester will be busy until the very last moment. Not sure whether she is teaching flying lessons this year, though! ;)

  2. Ich bin mir ja nicht bei jedem BiWuBĂ€rchen so ganz sicher, ob da am Ende die Pluspunkte die bösen Punkte im Goldenen Buch ĂŒberwiegen (ich nenne aber natĂŒrlich aus DiskretionsgrĂŒnden keine Namen... *pfiffel*), aber bei Dir, mein kleiner Fudge, habe ich keinerlei Bedenken. Bei Dir ist ja keinerlei böse Absicht zu erkennen und Du bist nur so umsichtig, Dein BĂ€uchlein das ganze Jahr ĂŒber zu trainieren, damit sich Deine Mama keine Sorgen wegen Bauchgrimmens bei ihrem kleinen pelzigen Freund machen muss... ;O) Ich bin echt stolz, wie umsichtig und vorausschauend Du bist. Und natĂŒrlich war es ganz besonders lieb von Dir, die Halloween Squad ins Leben zu rufen, ohne Eure *hĂŒstel* tatkrĂ€ftige UnterstĂŒtzung hĂ€tte Nina das ja niemals nicht unter keinen UmstĂ€nden alles so schön hinbekommen. Ganz tolle TĂŒten habt Ihr zusammen gestellt, all die kleinen Geister und Monster werden begeistert sein. Hester ist ja bestimmt auch schon ganz aus dem HĂ€uschen, immerhin ist ihr liebster Tag im Jahr diesmal ein ganz offizieller Feiertag. Und vermutlich starten auch schon die Planungen fĂŒr die Christmas Squad... Nina freut sich bestimmt wieder riesig ĂŒber Eure *rĂ€usper* große Hilfe! Ich jedenfalls freue mich immer riesig, wenn ich sehe, wie gut Du im neuen Zuhause integriert bis und wie viele tolle Freunde Du dort hast.

    Liebe GrĂŒĂŸe
    Birgit (die der lieben Nina eine virtuelle Umarmung schickt... am Besten je nach Vorliebe die strapazierten Nerven mit einem Glas Wein oder einem Becher heißer Milch beruhigen und sich immer wieder erinnern, dass es die Kleinen ja nur gut meinen... *zwinker*)

    1. Vielen Dank fĂŒr diesen wunderbaren Kommentar, Birgit! Ganz liebe GrĂŒsse von Fudge und mir!

  3. I see Riverside is seriously busy preparing for a great Halloween party. Well with all these mouthwatering sweets
    everybody will have fun.
    Hugs, Drora

    1. Hello Drora. :) Yes, everyone is very busy, still. There is a lot to do before Halloween!!

  4. Ha ha - fantastic! How many sweets?! If only Ralfie had fallen in head first into a pile of sweet- he would have been able to munch his way out! Happy halloween!

    1. Hello Sarah! Ralfie loves your thought, but I can assure you, he has had enough smarties for the next three years after "helping" me together with Jemima. ;)

  5. Hi Nina!
    What a "sweet" post!The trick or treaters who knock at your door on Halloween are going to be delighted with those bags of goodies. Hope the Halloween squad can share at least one of the bags. They are such a nice bunch of good friends!

    1. Thank you for your comment, Cutata! :D
