Ralfie and Jemima

Ralfie and Jemima

Saturday, 27 October 2018

Autumn Crafting with Hester & Fudge

Helloooo, dear readers! Maybe you have asked yourselves, "what about Nina and Hester's annual autumn crafting session??" Well, here it is!!

The only change is that it is even better this year, because it is the first official "Autumn Crafting with Hester and Fudge" (that's me!). Isn't that great? 😊

Here is the beginning. It started out with Nina and Hester and some lumps of air drying clay which they formed into pumpkins and a tea set.


I joined in during the second stage. We gave the pumpkins their first coat of "skin colour".

No, this is not a piece of ham I am holding - it is a particularly unhappy pumpkin. He did not react well to being painted.


I was sure that Nina would sort it out, though.

And I believe she did. Here are the pumpkins after receiving a second coat of colour, some glossy varnish and little shiny eyes. 

"Ham-pumpkin" is the second from the right. He's looking rather pleased with himself now, wouldn't you say?

Sooo many pumpkins... So what exactly do you do when your entire cottage is filled with pumpkins??

 Riiight - you throw a PUMPKIN PARTY!! 🎃🎃🎃

And that's exactly what Pickles and I did.  

We invited Julie Periwinkle who came wearing a party hat with ghosts on it.

And of course we invited little Jemima Periwinkle, whom we almost didn't recognize underneath her super awesome ghost costume.

Some other guests were Rona Hazelnut wearing a witch's hat and Hippolina, who wore a beautiful orange dress and brought along a magic broom.

Rona's brother Ralfie came dressed as a jack-o'-lantern, Hester Hogwart wore the most delightful little ghost headband, and her son Henry was a proud Harry Potter showing off a shiny black cloak and a wand made from Holly.

So - what exactly do you do at a pumpkin party, apart from dressing up in Halloween costumes?

 1. You dress up and meet your friends

2. You  W O R S H I P  the pumpkins

 and 3. You have lots (and lots) of caramel pumpkin spice lattes!!!




🍂🍁 ☕ 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 ☕ 🍁🍂


  1. It is a Pumpkin Party with everyone having a great time! A good excuse for wearing costumes and hats and being jolly.
    I really love your bunnies and pumpkins. Great work!
    Hugs, Drora

  2. Lieber Fudge, Du verstehst es wirklich, eine KĂŒrbis-Party auf die Beine zu stellen! Hier fand ĂŒberraschender*hĂŒstel*weise Punkt 3 ganz besonderen Anklang bei der Mehrheit der Anwesenden... Ich muss allerdings gestehen, dass mich persönlich Punkt 1 viel mehr begeistert hat, denn die KostĂŒme von Euch allen sind ja wohl der Oberhammer! Gut, den Preis fĂŒr das beste KostĂŒm wĂŒrde ich (mit knappem Vorsprung) an Jemima verleihen, ihr Geisterauftritt toppt alles. Aber wie gesagt, alle anderen können sich auch sehen lassen, Dich inbegriffen... und natĂŒrlich auch Pickles mit seinem HammerkostĂŒm "Babydrache mit Keks", sehr gelungen. Ganz toll finden wir auch die Vielzahl an KĂŒrbissen, die Nina mit Eurer Hilfe herbei gezaubert hat. Offensichtlich verwandelt sich Dein kleines Cottage zu Halloween in "Pumpkin Cottage"... Wir wĂŒnschen Euch ein supertolles Trick or Treating, mögen die Goodie Bags der Riversider Kinder prall gefĂŒllt sein... und mögen in einem ganz bestimmten nur oberleckere Karamellbonscher drin sein... ;O) Happy Halloween nach Riverside!

    Liebe GrĂŒĂŸe
    Birgit und die BiWuBĂ€rchen

  3. Hi Nina!
    The Pumpkin Party looks like a real success and everyone seems to be having a great time; who wouldn't be when they are surrounded with such wonderful sylvanians and pumpkins?! (And of course Fudge too! Can't forget Fudge!) "Ham-pumpkin" looks a lot happier now due to that repaint and looks at home with all of the other pumpkins. You really did a good job on them Nina! Some of them are a bit scary though, little Emily Beaman who is sitting beside me has gone to hide behind her big brother Eddie. The majority of them are nice and smiley though and they are so cute! I can't wait to see what you and Hester and Fudge get up to next year when it comes to crafting. (or what you do for Christmas if you are going to craft things). I love that photo where everyone is gathered and celebrating the Pumpkin Party.
    Hugs and greetings from New Zealand and Dandelion Creek,

  4. Hi Nina!
    What a lovely party! Everyone were having a great time. I was impressed with those pumpkins and the beautiful costumes. Hesters headband was cute. She had also a cute necklace of mushrooms. (Siiri liked it very much.)
    This story was again very good and photos were colorful:)
    Kind regards,

  5. Happy Halloween Nina!! Hester and Fudge sure know how to have a good time and your pumpkins are a delight to see!

  6. I love your pumpkins they are beautiful. Fantastic party I love all the sweet costumes. Happy Halloween to you all.
    Hugs Maria

  7. Dear Nina:
    I love your pumpkins! You did a wonderful job . I like the fact they all look different. It´s lovely to see how everyone is having fun at the Pumpkin Party. They all look so cute in their Halloween costumes and wearing those party hats!Jemima was hard to recognized in her ghost costume and Hippolinas´bright orange dress was perfect for the occasion.
    Fudge looks very happy and relaxed in the last picture. Those caramel spice lattes must be delicious!

    Have a lovely weekend!

    A big hug!

  8. Hi Nina!
    I have been reading your blog and thoroughly enjoyed it. You have such a wonderful imagination!
    Your pumpkins turned out great, and what a cool pumpkin party they all had! I love Fudge, he's so adorable!
    Looking forward to more Riverside stories. :)
