Ralfie and Jemima

Ralfie and Jemima

Sunday 30 June 2019

A Cat in the Woods

Good day to all! 

Two very lovely people have been thinking of Riverside and the Periwinkles lately, namely Sarah from Magic Mayhem and Birgit from BiWuBären on the Blog. Birgit sent us a friendly email and Sarah sent us this gorgeous handmade card! It immediately inspired me...

Yesterday I noticed a new face in Riverside, while I was walking through the woods. It was a cute, white and fluffy cat wearing a purple dress and carrying a pink purse. 

I soon realized that she wasn't alone. A kitten in a pink dress soon came tagging along next to her. 
"Where is our new house, Mom?" the kitten asked.
"It's right over the hill," the mother answered. 
"I wonder what's taking Dad?" 
"I am sure he's just playing with Buddy and they'll soon catch up."

Mrs Peony Prickle was wrong. Her husband was hiding between the trees, waiting for the right moment to jump out and startle his wife, as well as his daughter Berry.

Little Buddy seemed to be hiding too, but actually he was just looking at the many colourful flowers.

Up above their heads two extremely fat birds were chirping happily.

Buddy hurried up to his mother with a paw full of flowers and said, "Look Mom! I found something to decorate our new living room, so it won't look so bare!" 
"That is very thoughtful of you, Buddy!"

Meanwhile, Pierce had decided he'd rather not startle his family after all, even though every single member of the Prickle family was a tough cookie that could easily take a little scare. But they had endured way more than a little hardship lately, so he decided to think of a better prank, something with more humour and less fright.
"Hey, Dad! There you are," Berry exclaimed and Mr Prickle planted a kiss on his daughter's forehead.

Berry jumped on top of a tree trunk that had fallen over and pretended to be a circus performer.

 "I'm walking the tightrope, Dad, and there's not even a net down below! 
Look at meeee!!" 

 "Mom," Buddy questioned his mother, "do you think our new house is ever going to feel and look as nice as our house back home did? Are we ever going to say: "There is no place like home", while thinking of our new place and not of the old one?" 
"Probably, Bud," Peony pondered, "just know that it will take some time. But I am pretty sure, we are going to like this place just as much, or maybe even more."
"Maybe even more?" Bud marveled, "That sure sounds great, Mom..."

All of a sudden, two well known Riversiders appeared in the clearing. It was James Periwinkle and his daughter Jemima!

"Ooooh, Daddy! It's da kitty family. Dey ah sooo fluffy!"

James and Pierce said hello and immediately started a conversation about the hot weather and gardening in summertime. 

And the rest of the Prickle family stared at little Pickles who had appeared almost out of nowhere. They had never seen a baby dragon before. "Is it an iguana?" Bud wondered. "I dunno..." Berry said, "do those have wings?? It looks more like an alligator to me."

Jemima and Pickles' buddy Fudge were a few feet away listening and giggling quietly. What a nice day to go for a walk with daddy. What a great day to meet some new friends. And what a perfect day to share toffees with Fudge. 




P.S.: Why are these cute, fuzzy kitties called the Prickles?? 
Well, when I took them out of the packaging yesterday, I was astounded at how scratchy they feel. They do not feel soft to the touch at all, more like a blunt cactus. ;)


  1. Hi Nina!
    I was all excited when I logged into your blog and found a new post! I´ve missed you so much!
    Your pictures and stories are always a real treat!
    It´s great Sarah´s beautiful card inspired you to write such a lovely story. It was really nice to meet the Prickles .I´d love to know more about this family. It seems they have just moved to Riverside and they are still in the proccess of settling into a new home. I´m sure they´ll love it here. Riversiders are so friendly! I´m delighted to see Jemima and Fudge again! They look as happy as always!

    Thanks for this relaxing and charming walk in the woods!

    By the way, you chose the perfect name for this family. I own the previous version, the Persis, and I still remember how surprised I was when I unboxed them. They don´t feel soft at all but they are really cute, though.

    Have a wonderful week!
    A big hug!

    1. Hello Cutata!

      Thanks for all your kind words!!

      The Prickles come from far away and are moving to Riverside to build a better life. I believe they will succeed...

      Fudge and Jemima say hi! :)


  2. First of all, We missed you too and welcome back.
    The kitten family is so cute. I hope they find a lovely new home at Riverside and become part of this friendly community.

  3. Ah, es ist so schön, endlich wieder einen neuen Post zu sehen - und noch schöner, eine toll fotografierte Geschichte in bester Riverside-Manier zu finden. Willkommen, liebe Familie Prickle! Ihr werdet Euch in Riverside garantiert ganz schnell wie zu Hause fühlen und nie wieder weg wollen... und auch lernen, dass man kleine Babydrachen nur beim ersten Mal für einen Alligator halten darf. Beim zweiten Mal ist der "Welpenschutz" dann weg und es gibt Brandlöcher, die z. B. in pinkfarbenen Kleidchen gar nicht gut aussehen. ;O)

    Wir hier fragen uns allerdings, was in der Zwischenzeit mit Fudge passiert ist... Er teilt seine Toffifee??? Offensichtlich ist Weihnachten sogar noch näher, als wir bisher dachten...

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Hallo, liebe Birgit!

      Du müsstest doch bereits wissen, dass die Riversider Luft Biwubärchen gut tut.

      Trotz allem teilt Fudge seine Toffifee in der Regel nur mit seiner besten Freundin Jemima (und natürlich mit seinem Kumpel Pickles).

      Das mit dem Teilen darfst Du dem Weihnachtsmann gerne weitersagen... :O)

  4. The kitten family is adorable!

  5. Welcome back :) I have missed your cute stories. Awww your kitties are so sweet. I love the scenes. A new family for Riverside I am looking forward to seeing more of this cute family.
    Hugs Maria

    1. Thank you very much, Maria! The Prickle family says hi! :)

  6. Hi Nina! I read your posts and am so happy you could make another! I've missed your posts. I have the same Family of Persian Cats, and yes, they do feel prickly! The scenery of this post was amazing, love how you were inspired by the lovely card! I wonder where the Prickles are coming from and why they have moved to Riverside? I guess we will will find out in the next post. The look like a wonderful family and I can't wait to learn more about them. Also, here's the link to my new blog: https://lifeofamaple.blogspot.com/ Hope you check it out! Have a great day, Emilie

  7. Aw such a sweet story- so happy to see you create a story from the card- wow. I have these cats too. Jemima is right in saying that they look fluffy but they are a tad bit prickly to touch, maybe if she brushes them they will become softer :D

  8. Hi Nina!

    It's great to have another wonderful story from Riverside! :) I'm sure the Prickles will be very happy there. I'm curious to know what happened to them!
    I'm glad Pierce decided not to startle his family in the end, haha! A kiss is much better!
    Loved Berry walking on the "tightrope! :D And poor Buddy, I'm sure he'll be even happier in his new house, as his mom said!
    Lovely seeing Jemima, James and Fudge again! :)

  9. Hi Nina!

    Your new kittens are very cute and adorable. They look very soft. I love them. I hope you write many funny stories about them for us.

