It was two weeks before Halloween and the Periwinkles were busy as bees.
First, Mommy cut a loaf of bread.
Then she filled the washing machine with dirty laundry.
Finally she started to cook a cabbage soup for supper.
Daddy was also busy. He was upstairs tidying Jemima's bedroom.
Then he went onto the balcony to check the plant for withered leaves.
He watered it with a teapot, because he couldn't find the watering can. Then he murmured some friendly words to the plant and told it some gossip he had heard in town the other day.
The only members of the family that weren't busy that afternoon
were Pip and Molly.
Pip was sleeping on a cushion on top of the sofa
and Molly was ogling the beautiful plate of fruit and cheese.
While the soup was simmering in the kitchen, Julie opened the cupboard where they kept the mail. She had received a letter that day she had not yet had the time to read. It was from her good friend Hester Hogwart.
Why would Hester send her a letter? She did not know.
She opened it and sat down to read. The front of the letter said
"Happy Halloween".
On the back was a handwritten message from Hester that said:
Dear Julie,
I invite you to my workshop "Midnight, Moonlight and Magic"
on October 31st at 9pm. (Please see map down below for locale.)
Attendance is free. Only requirements are warm clothing, a magic broom
and an open mind.
With love,
"My goodness, a witch seminar, Molly! How exciting! I'll definitely attend."
Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Jemima was finishing a work of art.
Quackie was watching her, desperately trying to ignore the orange donuts on the plate next to her. They were a present from Hester and the black spider topping was freaking her out.
James entered the kitchen and asked, "What's this, love?"
"I dwew a picture of Jack, Daddy!"
"He really does look like our jack-o'-lantern, Jemima! Great job!" said James and gave his daughter a cuddle.
I would like to introduce my three spooky jack-o'-lanterns.
I carved them myself.
And I would like to give a huge
to all you lovely people that have been
supporting me and my blog over the past months
with your comments!!!
It means a lot to me.