Mommy has spent the past weeks making ornaments and dioramas for her friends for Christmas. She asked whether Pickles and I would allow her to show off her finished items at Caramel Cottage. Of course we said yes.
We invited Hester Hogwart who conjured away all my furniture and conjured up her large work table to display Mommy's deer ornaments.
Hooray for Hester's magic powers. She also conjured up a beautiful grammophone so that we can listen to Christmas music. I placed cups and a pot of warm cocoa on a little side table so we'll have something to drink.
Hester is resting in her red armchair. She conjured that up too. She has sprinkled the deer ornaments with some sort of gold dust from a large bottle. She says this will bring the new owners good luck for the entire next year.
Now she is admiring my collection of fudges. I decided to share those, so that we'll have something to eat. I hope the others aren't very hungry...
Look what Mommy did to Caramel Cottage. She gave it a real stone wall. What do you think? I am very excited to show it to you and if you are interested Mommy can post a tutorial on how she made it.
Birgit, my other mommy, sent me this wonderful chocolate Santa for Saint Nicholas' Day. She also sent an advent calendar filled with chocolates. Pickles is sitting on top of one of the bars. He likes his gianduja chocolate very much.
Here you can see Mommy's deer ornaments. Some have got glittery snow on top. Others have a pearl attached to it and bits of moss and bark.
Mommy hopes the recipients will like them. After all, she made them with a lot of love (and sticky fingers from all the glue) and we should not forget that Hester sprinkled them with lucky gold dust.
Upstairs are the others - Jemima and Ralfie. They are looking at Mommy's dioramas. Here is a spooky looking one of a witchy tree surrounded by shrubs and fairy lights.
Mommy made tree skeletons out of wire and wooden toothpicks. Then she covered these with clay.
She also gave this tree eyes and a nose, because some trees do have them.
Here is a magical tree surrounded by fairy lights and with a little healing crystal in front of it.
Next is something Hester likes. She already told Nina she wants to have one. It's a diorama of a witch's cottage with a stack of logs and a tiny little broom leaning against a large tree. There are stones and weeds in the garden and smoke is coming out of the chimney.
This is another witchy garden, only in this one, there is the tiniest little fir tree in the left corner.
Here's another Halloween themed item that Hester approved of. A group of bats flying through the clouds in the twilight. The children seem a little taken aback by their hypnotic googly eyes.
Here is a similar group of bats. Quackie is very brave right now, as she decided to have a chat with one of them.
This is another look at the process. Did I tell you Mommy made the dioramas using matchboxes?
I already showed you how she made the magical trees. She painted the inside of the box dark blue, stuck on the fairy lights and added a glossy varnish.
She made the witchy cottages using pieces of felt that she coloured black. She also cut tiny little windows into them and glued doors onto them using pieces of cork. The stone steps and chimneys are made out of tooth picks. The brooms were the hardest to make. They are made out of little slices of tooth picks and two different sorts of twine.
Last but not least are the tiny bats she cut out of black paper using very sharp scissors. She painted clouds and the moon and a blue-green sky into the boxes to give the impression of twilight.
Two of the bats were stuck onto the back of the box. The one in the front was stuck onto a piece of wire to make it look like it is flying above the cloud (made of cotton).
The black tree in the witch's garden is of course hand painted. Here, Mommy chose a light blue background.
She glued pieces of moss onto the branches of the magical trees to give the impression of leaves.
Hope you enjoyed your visit to the museum. To Caramel Cottage, I mean! Quackie has decided to pose next to the witchy tree.
Pickles and I are going to have some cocoa and fudge now...
Lieber Fudge, ich bin total begeistert, dass Du Dein schönes Heim fĂŒr diese fantastische Miniaturenschau zur VerfĂŒgung gestellt hast (und pssst... ich drĂŒcke Dir die Daumen, dass Deine Fudge-VorrĂ€te nicht zu sehr beansprucht wurden. Zumindest bei den GlĂ€sern aus Deinem alten Zuhause wirkt ja zum GlĂŒck der AuffĂŒllzauber von Magica de Spell...) Und Hesters Zauberei ist wirklich mehr als praktisch und erspart jede Menge Schufterei, Ihr habt echt GlĂŒck, dass Zauberei in Riverside ohne EinschrĂ€nkungen möglich ist. Ich habe hier jede Menge Zauberer und Hexen im Haus, die in meiner Welt leider nicht zaubern dĂŒrfen... dabei möchte ich doch nur sechs gewisse Zahlen wissen, die nĂ€chsten Samstag im Lotto gezogen werden... *seufz*... Ă€h... wo war ich... Nina hat wirklich wunderbare Geschenke gezaubert, die Rentier-Deko ist der Oberhammer und die Dioramen sind alle fantastisch... wobei... ich weiĂ gar nicht warum... aber der Zauberbaum gefĂ€llt mir am allerallerbesten... *zwinker* Vielen Dank, dass Du uns auch gezeigt hast, wie diese schönen Geschenke entstanden sind - wir hier werden unsere in Ehren halten. Ich hoffe, Du hattest schöne Weihnachten... und fĂŒr das neue Jahr wĂŒnsche ich Dir jede Menge Toffee, Fudge und Caramel und dem lieben Pickles immer ein wenig Gianduja unter (oder doch besser im?) Bauch!
ReplyDeleteLiebe GrĂŒĂe
Hallo Birgit,
Deletebei den GlĂ€sern aus meinem alten Zuhause wirkt ein AuffĂŒllzauber?? Wie konnte ich das nur vergessen!! *freeeeuuuuu!* Ich muss mal kurz in die KĂŒche rennen... Ein paar Toffees in meinen Mu--- Ich meine... der Heisswasserkocher hat gepfiffen! *hihi*
ICH hÀtte meinen Freunden ja lieber etwas Essbares gebastelt... ein Lebkuchenhaus zum Beispiel... Aber Nina liebt nun mal Halloween und ist erleichtert, dass Dir der Zauberbaum gefÀllt.
Jetzt muss ich aber wirklich in die KĂŒche rennen!! Gruss von Pickles!
Just gorgeous Nina! That is all I can say! You put so much effort into your work and it really pays off!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much, Emily!!
DeleteHi Nina!
ReplyDeleteThat is a lovely exhibition! The deer ornaments and the dioramas are adorable! You´re so good at making miniatures!
I also love the stone wall of Caramel Cottage. I´d love to see a tutorial about it.
A big hug!
Thank you for your feedback, Cutata!!
DeleteThank you dear Fudge. You have been a great guide. Mum is very good at making deer ornaments and dioramas. They all are beautiful. Please ask her to make the stone wall tutorial. I hope you enjoyed your cocoa and fudge with Pickles.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year to dear Nina and you!
Thank you very much, Drora! I will tell my Mommy right away!!
DeleteHappy New Year!!