Ralfie and Jemima

Ralfie and Jemima

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Gifts from Dandelion Creek!!!!

🎄 🎅 🎄

Hello everybody, this is Fudge writing again today, as Nina is very busy. Today, we received this amazing box all the way from Emily and the citizens of Dandelion Creek

Can you believe it?? Gifts all the way from NEW ZEALAND!! I think the Riversiders have never before received presents from so far away! 

Allow me to show you what was inside.

Wow! First of all, thank you Emily, for this wonderful, beautiful and handmade(!) card featuring some of the furry inhabitants of Dandelion Creek.

Mommy took out all the presents (there were so many!!) and placed them on the table. Immediately, some seashells fell out of the packaging. Seashells all the way from NZ. That is amazing! Thank you, Emily. 😄

We are so lucky this christmas, as we have already received seashells from another country and reader of this blog called Drora
Are you people trying to tell us something?? Are you hoping to see more posts about beaches? 😂

Okay, where was I? Oh yes! Here is a picture of all the presents after unpacking!!  

Everything has been unwrapped, except for me... *giggle* But then I was not a part of Emily's parcel... Instead, I have been wrapped warmly into Emily's

wonderful, fabulous, AMAZING handmade scarf and hat!!!  

Looks like Jemima would like to try some of the cookies the Macavaties sent! Her duck Quackie has hogged all of the Vanillekipferl (German vanilla flavoured Christmas cookies). And my little buddy Pickles is feeling very comfortable between the different flavoured candies and candy canes!

Do not worry, Emily, we will find someone interested in the chocolate Jaffas and the juicy looking jelly beans! I will probably take care of them myself... 

Oh, and one more thing, Emily... I know you wrote the hat was supposed to be for one of the rabbit children of Riverside... But, you know, since it fits me so well, and matches the beautiful scarf you made for me, and since my Mommy always squeals in delight when she sees me wearing it, could I please, please keep it for myself??

Dear Emily, THANK YOU so much for this wonderful and amazing parcel. You have put so much work into the gifts, even making sure to write tiny notes explaining each item. My Mommy is sooo happy, you really made her day. 😍

And to all of the other wonderful blog readers who have sent us Christmas cards and presents this year I would also like to say 💗thank you💗. Riverside has received such beautiful presents from all over the world, from Birgit, Cutata, Drora, Emily and Sarah and I do hope I did not forget to mention anyone... (And if I did, it's my Mommy's fault for not writing this entry herself... 😌)

Nina does not know whether she will be able to feature unpackings of all the parcels we have received, but please know that they are all very, very deeply appreciated, every single card, gift or sweet. (Especially the sweets... *ahem*)

Kind regards to all and to all a wonderful, fabulous and AMAZING 2018!!


  1. YOU GOT IT!!! I am very happy that you liked it and you finally have received my parcel! Of course Fudge can keep the hat and scarf! I think he looks extremely cute in it and I would feel mean to say that he had to give it away. Also, feel free to unwrap those candy canes and cookies, I don't like it how I packaged them. Since Christmas is the time of giving, I am extremely happy that you liked what I made and included 😄
    Hugs, Emily💗

    1. I did not like your parcel, Emily, I LOVED it. :D

      Fudge is happy now that you gave your okay for him to keep the hat!!

      I am sure the Periwinkles can find some nice plates or platters to present the cookies and candies on. I like how you packaged them by flavour though, and including a tag for each batch!!


  2. Ach ja... es ist wirklich nicht immer leicht, so ein hilfsbereites, freundliches BiWuBĂ€rchen mit Helfersyndrom vom Typ KĂŒmmerer zu sein, lieber Fudge - aber einer muss den Job nun mal machen und ich bin sicher, Du kriegst das richtig gut hin, Dich um all diese SĂŒĂŸigkeiten bĂ€rsönlich und intensiv zu kĂŒmmern, Chakka, Du schaffst das, wir stehen hier wie ein Mann... Ă€h... öhm... also, wir stehen alle hinter Dir, go, Fudge, go! Und jetzt, wo Du so warm eingemummelt bist, kannst Du ja auch zwischendurch mal einen kleinen Verdauungsspaziergang machen - super sieht das aus, gut, dass Du Dir das gesichert hast. Ich kann mir auch nicht vorstellen, dass die liebe Emily etwas dagegen hat, schon gar nicht, nachdem sie Dich nun damit gesehen hat und Dir das Ensemble so gut steht. Ein ganz tolles Paket habt Ihr da von Ganz-weit-Weg bekommen... aber ich wundere mich nicht, dass so viele liebe Geschenke den Weg nach Riverside finden. Ganz toll hast Du das mit der PrĂ€sentation gemacht und ich bin sicher, Nina freut sich sehr, dass Du sie so lieb unterstĂŒtzt.

    Ein frohes Neues Jahr allen Riversidern und ganz besonders der lieben Nina und Dir, lieber Fudge und natĂŒrlich Pickles wĂŒnschen
    Birgit und die BiWuBĂ€rchen

    1. Meine Mama findet das nicht so toll, dass Du mich anfeuerst, Birgit, aber ich schon... :O) Habe auch schon krÀftig geholfen die Jaffas, sowie die Jelly Beans zu dezimieren. (Bevor sie noch schlecht werden.)

      Ganz liebe GrĂŒsse!!


  3. Thank you Fudge for showing us all the lovely gifts from this far away land. Emily has been very generous with fantastic and very useful gifts, yours especially. I love the cap and the shawl. You look well and warm with them on.
    My best wishes to you and Nina and all the Riverside residences. Have a wonderful 2018!
    Hugs, Drora

    1. Thank you Drora, for your friendly comment. I think I will give you a jelly bean!


  4. What a lovely parcel! Fudge looks great in the blue hat and scarf. It really suits him.The candy canes and cookies are really cute. I love the card too! Beautiful winter scene!
    A big hug!

    1. Yes, Emily sent such wonderful things! Fudge and I (and the Riversiders) are super happy and still enjoying the presents!
