Ralfie and Jemima

Ralfie and Jemima

Sunday, 29 April 2018

Very Late Christmas Unboxing (Part 1)

Dear Readers,

Hello, it's me, Fudge!!!! I won't beat around the bush: You have ME to thank for today's post. Mommy told me, she is far too ashamed to ever write to you again, so I decided to take things into my own two paws and, finally, after four sleepless nights, seventeen jars of toffee (and a quick look into her list of secret passwords) I was able to access her blog account and write this entry. 

Do you know what happened to my Mommy? What happened to her was... ahem... 2018. 
She had at least four blog posts ready for uploading, but then 2018 came along... She really wouldn't want me to talk about it, but I think that you should know that 2018 has so far gifted her with a broken computer, a broken car, a broken heart, a lost job opportunity, a sick family pet (that has now died) and a sick family member. And there are a few other things that broke or turned yucky that I will not mention here in respect for my privacy... HER privacy, I mean!!! Ahem...

So: I hope you will enjoy this late, late, (late) christmas unboxing, even though my Mommy was gone for a long, long time and without saying a word. She really missed you guys and showing off cute pictures of me. Ahem... of Jemima and the Riversiders, of course. So don't be cross with her PLEASE, I will bearsonally make sure that she comes back regularly and also comments  on your lovely blog posts again.

Now let's have a look at some PRESENTS!!!!

Riversiders were arriving to see Nina open an enormous package from Sweet Berry Valley.

"This was sent from the place where my brother Munchie now lives! This is gonna be AWESOME!" shouted Crunchie at Marla Cinnamon through cookie-filled cheeks.

Hester Hogwart and I sat on top of the beautiful red parcel, drinking mulled wine. Ralfie Hazelnut and his sister Rona came to watch, too.

Look at this lovingly decorated box filled with wonderful things.

Everybody was oohing and aahing!

I bearsonally took it upon me to examine the box of sweets.

Then, Pickles and I bathed in them...

Aaaah, such bliss...! Pickles is telling me, he is keeping the toffee wrapped in green and gold for himself.

Look at this beautiful daisy I found with the sweets. Doesn't it suit me?

The little ones are checking out ANOTHER bag of sweets, as well as some beautifully wrapped presents. There seems to be something there for everyone!

Nina did not know then, that Cutata wanted us to unpack everything right away, so the little Sylvanians stood there aching from anticipation.

Come back next week to see what was inside all these!! 

(I know it's mean - maybe you should have a box of caramels to calm the nerves. It always helps ME...)

NOW let me show you what my other mother, Birgit, sent me. Uhh... us. 

A chocolate Saint Nicholas for everyone. Pickles was the first to finish his. The little glutton...

Birgit also sent this beautiful snowflake card. It is decorated with real diamonds... I think.

See me enjoying my super duper advent calendar with a life-sized picture featuring Birgit's children: Fluby is on the left and Rosey on the right.

I do miss waking up to a new bar of chocolate every morning!! *sniffle*

As you can see, we all had a great time and Quackie was only drunk for a few days after this. 

Come back next week for Part 2 and for some spring themed posts very soon!

Hugs and caramel kisses 
from your little buddy,


  1. Was für eine wunderbare Überraschung - endlich mal wieder ein Post aus Riverside!!! *freu* Fudge, das hast Du richtig gut gemacht, dass Du da einfach mal die Dinge in die eigenen Pfoten genommen hast, ich bin sehr stolz auf Dich, mein Kleiner. Und bitte sei so gut und bestelle Nina einen lieben Gruß von mir und dass ich außerdem ihre Ich-schäme-mich-zu-sehr-um-nach-all-der-Zeit-wieder-mal-einen-Post-abzusetzen-Nummer in meine persönliche Top Ten von gequirltem Dummfug aufnehmen werde. Also ehrlich, bei all dem was bei Euch und gerade bei Deiner Nina dieses Jahr schon los war, ist Blogger wohl das letzte, was irgendwie wichtig ist. Die BiWuBärchen und ich drücken ganz fest die Daumen bzw. Pfoten, dass sich 2018 ab sofort in Riverside nur noch von seiner besten Seite zeigt (vor allem hoffen wir, dass es Ninas Lieblingsmenschen gut geht). Und nun zu Eurer hochspannenden (und seeeehr ergiebigen) Geschenkeschlacht... toll, wie reich Ihr beschenkt wurdet, wir hier sind schon sehr gespannt, was da noch so alles zum Vorschein kommen wird. Und was die Geschenke aus unserem Hause angeht... warum bin ich eigentlich nicht erstaunt, dass die Nikoläuse von Pickles und Dir als Erstes weg waren??? Und wenn Du glaubst, ich hätte nicht bemerkt, dass die Marzipanschachtel bereits leer ist, dann irrst Du... Wie bitte? Du hast ein Alibi??? Warum bin ich jetzt nicht überrascht... aber ich darf Dich mal kurz daran erinnern, dass der Weihnachtsmann alles (in Worten: ALLES!) sieht und dass Dir nicht mal mehr 8 Monate bleiben, um Pluspunkte im Goldenen Buch zu sammeln! Fluby lässt übrigens ausrichten, in Sachen Adventskalender sei er bei Dir, er würde auch gerne einen Antrag auf Dauerlaufzeit stellen, er weiß nur bis jetzt nicht, wohin mit seiner Petition... an den Bundestag? Die UNO? Oder doch lieber an den Nordpol? *grins* Und bevor ich das vergesse: Gut das Quackie inzwischen wieder einen klaren Kopf hat... ;O)

    Liebe Grüße
    Birgit (und von den Pelzträgern auch)

    1. Danke für Deinen Kommentar, liebe Auch-die-Mama. Ninas Lieblingsbärchen... ääähh... -menschen geht es gut!

      Das war doch klar, dass ich die Dinge da in die eigenen Pfoten nehme. Nur muss ich jetzt einige Nächte Schlaf nachholen, da ich doch heimlich - also Nachts - schreiben musste, damit meine Mama das erstmal nicht mitkriegt. Ich fand diese Ich-schäme-mich-zu-sehr-um-nach-all-der-Zeit-wieder-mal-einen-Post-abzusetzen-Nummer ja auch mehr als dämlich... *räusper* - ich meine... lächerlich, und bin froh, dass sie jetzt ihre Meinung geändert hat. Nur an Ostern wollte ich diesen Post lieber nicht hochladen... Nur für den Fall, dass der Osterhase einen April-Blogpost über Weihnachtsgeschenke in den falschen Hals kriegt...

      Bitte teile Fluby mit, dass ich bei der Uno-Nordpol-Bundestags-Petition auf jeden Fall mitmache!! Am Besten schreiben wir gleich an alle Drei... Und vielleicht kann ich auch noch einige Riversider davon überzeugen mitzumachen. Das dürfte nicht zu schwer sein. Ich denke da zum Beispiel an die zwei Leckermäuler Quackie und Ralfie Hazelnut...

      Bis bald, Fudge

  2. A new post from Riverside!! That´s great news. Fudge, thank you so much for all your efforts to manage to post this entry. I hope Nina is feeling better now. It seems this year hasn´t been the best for her so far. I´m sad to hear about all the bad news. Please, try to cheer her up and send my love and best wishes to her and her loved ones.Hopefully, things will be getting back to normal and time heals everything.
    It´s great to see you and your friends. Fudge, I think you look a little chubbier.Don´t take me wrong, you look great but all those sweets made you put on a bit of weight. Hope your Mummy reminds you to brush your teeth.
    By the way! the daisy looks lovely on you!
    I´ll come back next week to see if Riverside villagers liked my Christmas parcel. At least, I know you and Pickles liked the sweets.
    Say hello to all your friends in Riverside, give a special hug to Jemima and keep an eye on Quacky. I wonder what was his reation after drinking the mulled wine.
    Please, give a big bear hug to your Mummy, the biggest bear hug ever ! I know you´ll be good at it.

    1. Dear Cutata,

      Unfortunately, my Mommy reminds me to brush my teeth EVERY day. I wish she would forget to at least once in a while...

      I gave a special hug to Jemima in your name (until she squealed with delight!), but I'm not sure whether I can keep an eye on Quackie... she can be very naughty sometimes... I don't think she keeps in mind that Christmas is coming around again soon and that Santa sees EVERYthing. And she really is a glutton... even worse than my little buddy Pickles.

      Mommy enjoyed the bear hug I gave her after reading your comment and said it was the BIGGEST bear hug she has ever received! *smile*

  3. Dear Fudge,
    Please let Nina know how sorry I am to learn about all the troubles she encountered at the beginning of this year. It's not fair that so many happened at the same time but I know from experience that they do.
    Meantime, enjoy the lovely sweets and gifts and think only about how life is good in springtime.
    Hugs, Drora.

    1. Hello Drora,
      Oh, so you have had a 2018 of your own in the past? Sorry to hear that... They are worse than cockroaches... I can tell you that Mommy thinks all 2018s should be banned. But she also recently told me that springtime is wonderful and that it has a special magic to it.
      Have a good day!
      - Fudge

  4. Hi Fudge, Thanks for writing to us. I hope you're taking good care of Nina during these troublesome times and watching how much Quakie drinks! Is Quakie old enough to drink- ha ha?!

    I wish Nina some golden opportunities come knocking at her door soon and I look forward to hearing all about the new adventures. Big hugs, Sarah

    1. Hello Sarah,

      I do not believe Quackie is old enough to drink, but then again, how does one tell the age of a rubber duck?

      Thank you so much for your kind words. Nina loves the thought of "golden oportunities knocking at her door"!

      Love, Fudge
