Ralfie and Jemima

Ralfie and Jemima

Sunday, 17 March 2019

A Parcel From Cutata!!!


Unfortunately, due to personal and work related issues, I am not able to write any stories at the moment. 

I think of you all the time and I am sorry I have not been able to comment on any of your posts lately.

I know Christmas has long passed, but you need to look at the wonderful gifts Cutata sent to Riverside from Sweet Berry Valley, even if I have not had the time to write a story to go with them. 

Thank you for all the wonderful presents, your friendship and thoughtfulness.  You sent us this wonderful parcel even though you were very busy at the time. I apreciate that.

The Periwinkles can not thank you enough, either. Jemima is so proud to have her own high chair now. The ladies (Julie and Hippolina) love their elegant purses and James is saving his wine for a special occasion. Fudge's sweets... did not last long.


  1. The family looks happy with these beautiful gifts.

  2. Beautiful gifts! Enjoy all.
    Most important, enjoy your new job!
    Hugs, Drora

  3. Du brauchst Dich doch nicht zu entschuldigen... wenn Du keine Zeit zum Bloggen hast, dann ist das eben so. Und auch wenn wir Deine liebevollen Texte immer sehr genießen, so sprachen die tollen Bilder doch fĂŒr sich. Meine GĂŒte, der Periwinnkle-Clan wurde aber wirklich verwöhnt letzte Weihnachten - was fĂŒr wunderschöne Geschenke, kein Wunder, dass alle so glĂŒcklich in die Kamera strahlen. FĂŒr uns ist es ganz toll zu sehen, dass Fudge und Hippolina absolut zur Familie gehören - was man auch an den Hammergeschenken merkt, wie lieb, dass die Beiden auch bedacht wurden. Schönen Gruß an Julie, die Handtasche passt ja wohl wie gemacht zu ihrem Kleid. So, und nun wĂŒnschen wir alles Liebe fĂŒr Dich und hoffen, dass Du bald mehr Zeit fĂŒr Blogland hast - aber wenn nicht... dann brauchst Du kein schlechtes Gewissen zu haben. ;O)

    Liebe GrĂŒĂŸe
    Birgit - die natĂŒrlich auch von der pelzigen Gang grĂŒĂŸen soll

  4. Dear Nina!
    There´s no need for words. Just looking at your pictures I can feel the Periwinkles, Fudge and Hippolina were happy with the presents they got from Sweet Berry Valley. Tanya and Munchie are glad to see how their friends from Riverside are having fun unpacking their Christmas gifts. Lovely pictures!

    Hope everything is going well with you!

    Sending you and all the Riversiders a big hug and best wishes!
