Ralfie and Jemima

Ralfie and Jemima

Monday 14 October 2019

Crafting with Jemima

Hi there, how are you doing? 

It's me, Fudge, and this is my home, Caramel Cottage. Why don't you come on in.

My buddy Pickles the dragon is upstairs taking a nap. Careful there, don't startle him, or he might sneeze at you.  He's got a dragon's cold and that's not the kind you would like to catch, trust me.

My best friend Jemima Periwinkle has come over to play. Well actually, not to play. Her visit is very serious as we are trying to get more points in Santa's Golden Book. I don't think Jemima needs any extra points at all..., she's a very well behaved bunny as far as I know, but Pickles and I... What I mean is, it couldn't hurt to do a little something extra...

 Here I am preparing a cup of cocoa

for Jemima and me

for when we earn our extra points.

How are we going to do that? We are helping Nina, my mommy, to make these horses a little more interesting.

Jemima told me to post this photo first, so I can show off part of my fairies collection... To the left is a picture of a fairy that Maria gave us last christmas and underneath the window is my beautiful writing desk that Mommy purchased a long time ago for me from fimobabsi

But let's get back to the reason we are here today.

Rocking horses.

We are going to use wooden horsies in red, white, silver, turquoise and brown.

We are also using fancy, self-adhesive paper borders

and little coloured beads.

"I love it, when you come over to play, Jemima! *Cough* I mean, to help me help Mommy with her crafting. It's the best reason to prepare a fresh batch of vanilla walnut fudge on my little stove. We'll have some later, okay?"


Ready for the big reveal? Here are Mommy's revamped rocking horses.

"Now we can have some vanilla walnut fudge, Jemima. And Toffifee."


  1. How nice of you, dear Fudge, to help Jemima with her crafting. My compliments for having done a good job with the rocking horses decorations as well as for showing lovely photos. You certainly deserve lots of points in Santa's golden book.

    I love the new furniture pieces.

    Hugs, Drora

    1. Thank you for your friendly comment, Drora. And especially for saying that I deserve lots of points in Santa's golden book... :O)


  2. Lieber Fudge,

    ich bin wirklich stolz auf Dich, mein Kleiner - es ist toll, wie schön Du Dich mit der kleinen Jemima verstehst und wie rührend Du um sie besorgt bist. Okay, auch ein klitzekleinwenig um Deinen Kontostand im Goldenen Buch, aber ehrlich... da kenne ich jemanden (ich nenne aber natürlich keinen Namen) der wirklich pausenlos daran denkt - das aber auch muss, weil er einfach nicht seine Pfoten aus der Keksdose lassen kann... äh... wo war ich... ach ja... Du brauchst Dir mit Sicherheit keine Sorgen machen, dass Deine Bilanz im Goldenen Buch Dir einen Besuch vom Weihnachtsmann bescheren wird. ;O)

    Ihr Beide seid ein super Bastelteam, Jemima und Du, wunderschöne Schaukelpferdchen habt Ihr gebastelt und ich bin mir ganz sicher, dass Nina sich riesig über Eure Hilfe gefreut hat. Eure Toffeeleckerei habt Ihr Euch mehr als verdient - und gute Besserung an Pickles!

    Liebe Grüße
    Birgit (die natürlich auch von Fluby und Rosey grüßen soll)

    1. Vielen Dank, liebe Birgit. Nina hat sich sehr gefreut und Jemima und ich haben uns deshalb noch mit einer zweiten (und dritten) Portion Toffees belohnt. :O)

      Liebe Grüsse zurück an Fluby und Rosey.


  3. If you keep being helpful like this you will have lots and lots of points for Santa :))) I love the rocking horses they are all beautiful. I hope pickles is better soon.
    Hugs Maria

    1. Dear Maria, thank you for your kind words! Pickles is already much better.


  4. Hi Nina,
    I´m really happy to see Fudge and Jemima again!It´s always good news to hear fom you...I mean from Fudge;)
    They did an amazing job decorating those rocking horses.They are all lovely! You must be proud of them! They won some extra points, that´s for sure!

    I also love Caramel Cottage. Fudge has a very cosy home.The colours and the decoration really suits the autumn season.
    Hope Pickles gets better soon!Having a dragon´s cold sounds bad.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you Cutata, Pickles is almost well again. I also find my cottage very cosy this time of year. Especially with a pot of fudge cooking on the stove.

      Have a nice weekend! :o)


  5. Hi Nina,
    I was so excited when I saw you had posted a new entry! Fudge and Jemima crafting together is so sweet! They definitely earned some extra points--the rocking horses turned out absolutely lovely in the end. Poor Pickles, I hope he has a quick and painless recovery. My only advice is for him to rest a lot... but I don't know much about dragon colds, so... ??
    Fudges home is a very nice place to live, very cosy and cute. You did a great job decorating it. I hope to hear from you, Jemima, and Fudge again soon!
    Have a great Autumn!
    Best wishes from Emilie and the Maple Cat Family

  6. Hi Nina,

    Always glad to see a new post on your blog! I see Fudge and Jemima are still getting along, and making adorable crafts too! The horses turned out lovely. I enjoyed seeing Fudge's home, so cute and cozy! Love his writing table. Hope Pickles feels better soon!
    Have a great day!

  7. Hello Nina, I know it has been a LONG time since I have commented. I finally updated my blog with a life update too. Hopefully you will be able to see the finished Buckley house soon.
    What a cute mini story! I love Fudge's house, it looks so warm and inviting. I hope that Pickles is alright, poor dragon. Dragon cold sounds very serious, is there anything that will help speed his recovery up? A nice warm bath and cocoa perhaps? I'm not an expert but I trust that Fudge knows what hes doing. The rocking horses he and Jemima decorated are so adorable. I certainly believe that Santa will give them those extra golden points! They both must be at the top of his 'good' list now! I love the mini Toffifee box Jemima is holding, I'm sure that both Jemima and Fudge loved those.
    Have a wonderful rest of your week and I send hugs to poor Pickle! - Emily and the rest of the critters at Dandelion Creek

  8. Hi,it is always so fun to watch somebody crafting. This time it was a good opportunity for Jemima and Fudge to earn some extra poits. The rocking horses turned out lovely.

    Kind regards,
