Ralfie and Jemima

Ralfie and Jemima

Saturday, 28 November 2020

Happy First Advent!

🌟 Dear friends đŸŒŸ

How nice to be writing a blog post with Nina after such a long time. Yes, this is Fudge writing to you from Riverside!

My Mommy has been too busy to post anything for such a long time, justifying her behaviour with things like "work" and "problems" and "real life" - whatever that is?! I got very upset with her time and again, saying, "What could be more important than spending time in Riverside?"

Well, today - completely unexpected - we received a package from the north of Germany; from my other Mommy called Birgit, to be precise. Nina could not believe her eyes. "But I haven't posted any stories or commented on her blog posts in ages!" she exclaimed. 

Do you know what I said to her then? I told her, "Well, that just goes to show how very, very well behaved I have been all year round. I am sure that that is why Birgit is sending this package. She has a special feeling for this kind of thing, you know! Just like Santa..."

Would you like to see what was inside the parcel?

Could we please spend a moment oohing and aahing over the gorgeous card she has sent us, the golden cabochons with diamonds in the middle, the little wooden balls and hearts, the frog, bird, chicken and gift box? And last but not least, a miniature house made by Birgit's own hands and a moose

When Nina saw that Birgit had gifted her one of her tiny houses, she might have shed a tear or two... She made this foto of it in her hand, so you can see just how small it is. 

I love the little planters on the front porch. 😊

We also received a table calendar with photos of my cousins Rosey and Fluby (hello, you two, if you are reading this!), a colourful rocking horse, a beautiful pink and white blanket with roses and these two very delicate blue cushions with Peter Rabbit on them.

As if all that weren't enough, Riverside now has this wonderful red swing, a packet of delicious marzipan sweets and a bunch of beautiful christmas ribbons (some shiny and some satin).

As every year, Birgit has gifted us with a Fluby and Rosey chocolate advent calendar. 💖

Dear Birgit

you have made our first advent weekend a truly magical one

with your gifts and generosity and friendship. 

🎀 Thank you so much.🎀

(Especially for making Nina write.)

Wishing everybody a very pleasant advent Sunday, maybe even with some delicious coffee and cake and some fudge of course... You should always have a piece of fudge. 😊

Hugs to all, 

Fudge & Nina


  1. Hi Nina (and Fudge!)

    Happy First Advent to you, your family and all of the Riversiders!
    What lovely gifts you got from Birgit! I especially love the tiny house and the calendars!
    I hope you've been keeping well and healthy this difficult year.

    Happy holidays, and have a great Sunday!

    1. Hello Ayrell,

      It's good to see you! Thanks for your comment. :)

      Have a great Sunday and take care, too.

      Hugs, Nina

  2. How lovely to see a new post from Riverside! Thank you for showing us such glorious gifts. That little house is so cute!

    A Happy First Advent from all in Mellowdene!

    1. Hello Jackson, thank you for commenting!

      It's nice to see you again!

      Best wishes to all in Mellowdene. :)

  3. Beautiful gifts from a dear friend.

  4. So, Fudge... Du glaubst also, dass Dein gutes Benehmen der Grund fĂŒr das PĂ€ckchen war? Wirklich? Willst Du nicht noch mal darĂŒber nachdenken? Du weißt ja, der Weihnachtsmann sieht alles... genau so wie eine BĂ€renmama ihre kleinen Racker nicht vergisst. Aber keine Bange, Du bekommst ja zeitgleich ganz viele Pluspunkte, weil Du Nina zum Posten gebracht hast. Schön, dass unser Advents-/Weihnachtsgruß angekommen ist!

    Liebe GrĂŒĂŸe

    1. Hallo Auch-Die-Mama... *zerknirscht schau*

      Ich freu mich von dir zu lesen. GrĂŒĂŸ mir den Fluby und die Rosey beide recht lieb.

      Ganz liebe GrĂŒĂŸe an alle...! :O)

  5. Hi Nina,
    So good to see you on the blogs again. Birgit's gifts are incredible. Enjoy all!
    A big hug,

    1. Thank you, Drora, for your kind words. It's good to see you, too! :)

  6. Happy First Advent, Nina (and, of course, the Riversiders)! Those gifts are adorable. I hope you enjoy the holidays!

    1. Dear Emilie, thank you for your comment! We hope you enjoy the holidays, too. Stay safe and have a great month!

  7. Hi Nina,
    Hope youÂŽre doing well! IÂŽm always happy to read a new post on your blog
    Congrats on those lovely gifts you received from Birgit.
    Hope you are enjoying the holiday season.
    Wishing you all the best for the New Year!
    A big hug!

    1. Dear Cutata,

      so nice to see you and thank you for your comment.

      Best wishes for 2021 to you and all in Sweet Berry Valley.

      Hugs, Nina
