Ralfie and Jemima

Ralfie and Jemima

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Another Christmas Surprise


We received another christmas surprise. This one was from Cutata and her Sylvanians of Sweet Berry Valley.


It is a beautiful calendar featuring real scenes from Sweet Berry Valley.

This was the January photo.

I love the look of the calendar on my wall.

Cutata even took the time to write us a handwritten letter.

And she gifted us this gorgeous handmade card featuring her Sylvanians riding a christmas train.

This picture on the front of the calendar features some friends from Sweet Berry Valley, such as the Chocolates and even Tanya, a former resident of Riverside.

And remember our cheeky little elf Munchie? :)

đź’—đź’—đź’— Thank you for these wonderful gifts, Cutata. đź’—đź’—đź’—


  1. Aw, that's lovely. How wonderful to have such a great gift from our talented Cutata.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Take care.

    1. Hello Jackson, thank YOU for staying loyal to Nina's blog and for commenting!
      Hugs from Fudge

  2. Wie schön - endlich mal wieder ein Post aus Riverside! Und dann mit so einer schönen Weihnachtsnachlese (die Du natürlich ebenso toll wie hochprofessionell präsentiert hast, lieber Fudge), was für ein toller Gruß von Cutata. Wir haben die Bilder mit ihren liebevollen Bildern sehr genossen - und geschmunzelt, denn auf dem Weihnachtszug scheint sogar ein Prominenter aus dem Hundertmorgenwald mitzufahren, der dort unter dem Namen Mr. Sanders lebt. In dem Sinne: Feliz 2021! ;O)

    Liebe GrĂĽĂźe
    Birgit (und von den BiWuBärchen auch)

    1. Du hast echt gute Augen, Auch-Die-Mama! Mr. Sanders hätten wir in dem Gewusel fast übersehen. :)
      Liebe GrĂĽsse, Fudge

  3. Hello Nina,
    Nice to see a post of yours again. I hope all is well with you and yours and wish you the best.
    Hugs, Drora
